​1. You compete with the horse, at least once a year, until their retirement.
​2. Do not change basic facs (pedigree, color, height, gender...).
​3. Pictures are allowed to be changed.
​4. Evaluation of the exterior* and genetic evaluation are expected of you to do as soon as possible if it is not already done.
​5. Keep me updated if the horse are sold or just changing URL.
​6. Do not buy a horse from us and kill it short after without doing anything with it.
​7. I (Color, Waagendorf) are allowed to use stallions with our suffix for breeding, therefore I save 3 doses of frozen semen before
they are sold. I rarely use more than one.
​8. I (Color, Waagendorf) are allowed to use mares with our suffix for breeding if they are not too young or old.
​9. Horses from Waagendorf are excellent dressage horses and I would like to see them compete in dressage. Lower classes in
other diciplines are okay but I do not want to see them competing in, for example, grand prix show jumping.
​10. I (Color, Waagendorf) are allowed as breeder to take the horse back if you break (“breach”) the purchase and sale agreement.
11. Horses that are bought from us and later on evaluated of the exterior as Class II or CLass III are giving you the right to get a new horse from us without charge. It is up to you to decide if you want to keep your Class II/III horse or if you want to return it to us. *
* New rule for horses sold after 2014-05-02.